Hawai‘i Energy’s unique business rebate program, combined with GridPoint’s smart building technology, bolsters efficiency across 30 locations and helps the brand contribute to Hawai‘i’s sustainability goals

RESTON, VA – June 23, 2022 – GridPoint, a leader in building energy management and optimization technology, and Hawai‘i Energy, the energy efficiency and conservation program for Hawai‘i, Honolulu and Maui counties, today celebrates the success of Aloha Petroleum’s participation in Hawai‘i Energy’s innovative Smart Device rebate offer. Leveraging GridPoint’s technology, Aloha Petroleum has achieved over 13% average reduction in energy use over the past twelve months, with one month reaching nearly 17% averaged savings across 30 locations throughout the state.  By becoming more efficient, Aloha Petroleum makes the business more resilient to volatile energy costs, reduces operational costs, and supports Hawai‘i’s sustainability goals of achieving 100% clean energy by 2045.

As energy costs in Hawai‘i are among the highest in the U.S., Hawai‘i Energy launched its Smart Device rebate offer in 2021 to help Hawai‘i businesses deploy smart building technology that displays their energy usage in real-time, allowing them to better manage their facilities and reduce utility bills. Hawai‘i Energy offers qualified businesses a 50% rebate, up to $5,000 per site, on the cost to purchase and install GridPoint’s smart building controls at their locations. 26 Aloha Petroleum locations received the full Smart Device rebate, reducing the monthly subscription cost for GridPoint’s platform in half. To further put the total ROI in perspective, for every $1 spent on GridPoint’s technology over these 12 months, Aloha Petroleum saved over $12.50. Hawai‘i Energy’s Smart Device rebate is specifically designed to support quick-service restaurants, convenience stores, grocery stores and other facilities with high rates of energy use driven by air conditioning and refrigeration.

“Thanks to Hawai‘i Energy’s incentive, we were able to install GridPoint’s technology at all of our eligible locations throughout Hawai‘i,” said Butch Galdeira, regional director of retail and restaurant Operations at Aloha Petroleum. “Our initial savings were almost 13% and the reporting provided by GridPoint’s platform allows us to better understand how efficiently our HVAC units are operating and what we can do to continue to conserve energy and reduce costs without impacting the comfort of our customers and staff.”

”As we continue to support local businesses in their efforts to reduce energy costs in a challenging economy, providing them with access to real-time data is critical,” said Caroline Carl, executive director of Hawai‘i Energy. “Being able to lower usage by simply applying controls and awareness rather than requiring major equipment upgrades means that businesses can ultimately keep more of their revenue while still saving hundreds or even thousands annually.”

GridPoint’s technology automates building efficiency, using advanced controls and patented algorithms to identify opportunities for operational cost savings, evaluate equipment performance and recognize the effects of building operations on energy costs. Once the platform was installed and commissioned, GridPoint’s HVAC Health tool identified 12 locations with pre-existing HVAC issues, categorizing the issues by severity. The Aloha Petroleum team was then able to use those insights to prioritize maintenance and ensure their equipment was operating safely and efficiently. The HVAC Health tool continues to be used by the team to periodically evaluate their systems enterprise-wide and proactively schedule maintenance to avoid costly issues resulting in downtime at a site.

GridPoint’s energy advisory support and training helped Aloha Petroleum not just conduct predictive maintenance of its facilities to avoid costly issues down the road but also proactively manage its carbon footprint, including the ability to analyze real-time data from all 30 locations at once, applying valuable data insights to its overall sustainability strategy that to accelerate decarbonization across their sites.

“Commercial buildings, like those owned by Aloha Petroleum, provide a major opportunity to improve energy efficiency quickly resulting in benefits for both businesses and energy grids,” said Mark Danzenbaker, CEO of GridPoint. “Aloha Petroleum’s incredible return on investment demonstrates the high value of incentive programs, like what Hawai‘i Energy offers, to reduce the financial burden on businesses and accelerate participation in the clean energy transition.”

To learn more about GridPoint’s custom solution for Aloha Petroleum, visit https://www.gridpoint.com/resources/case-studies/hawaii-energy/. To learn more about Hawai‘i Energy’s rebate for smart devices, visit https://bit.ly/3NWTXsQ.


About GridPoint
GridPoint is a leader in building energy management and optimization technology that decarbonizes commercial buildings and drives grid modernization. GridPoint’s data-driven platform connects energy grids with the built environment and behind-the-meter distributed energy resources, enabling the ability to optimize energy and sustainability goals for businesses and the grid at the same time. GridPoint’s technology platform is deployed in 15,000+ commercial buildings across multiple industries. Leveraging data analytics, intelligent automation and machine learning to deliver unprecedented visibility into complex building operations, GridPoint reduces energy costs, maximizes decarbonization, provides actionable facility insights and strengthens resiliency – building by building. Networked together, buildings with GridPoint IntelligenceTM aggregate the reliable, precise and instantaneous capacity that energy grids increasingly require. GridPoint’s intelligent energy network of buildings is driving grid modernization and accelerating the transition to a sustainable energy future. For more information, visit gridpoint.com.


About Hawai’i Energy
Hawai‘i Energy helps island families and businesses make smart energy choices. We encourage and reward energy decisions that will allow our state to reach 100% clean energy faster and cheaper. To date, we have saved the people of Hawai‘i more than a billion dollars off their energy bills. Let Hawai‘i Energy be your trusted energy advisor to help save you money and protect what makes Hawai‘i so special. For more information, please visit hawaiienergy.com/about.