Proactively monitor all site assets and receive timely alerts.

GridPoint Intelligence's asset health reporting and insights feature revolutionizes maintenance and performance management by enabling proactive issue detection and continuous monitoring.

Proactive Issue Detection

Identify and prioritize maintenance for critical assets by filtering for underperforming or suboptimal equipment, minimizing costly emergency repairs and reducing downtime.

Monitor HVAC Health Over Time

Track HVAC efficiency over weeks or months, detecting trends and potential issues early to optimize performance and longevity.

Targeted Notifications and Insights

Receive essential alerts (via SMS, email, or in-app) for underperforming HVACs, connectivity issues, and refrigeration warnings, helping to focus on critical assets and prevent costly repairs.

Remove the false alarms. Get the notifications you need, when you need them.

Our notifications and insights feature in GridPoint Intelligence ensures you receive only the necessary alerts (via SMS, email, or in the app), helping you avoid false alarms and focus on critical assets. With proactive insights, you can identify and resolve issues early, preventing costly repairs and ensuring optimal performance.

Greater Visibility Into Your Energy Consumption and Onsite Assets

GridPoint's Energy Metering and Asset Monitoring Solutions help you maximize the performance and reliability of your building and its assets. Gain greater visibility into the overall performance of your building, as well as detailed data about the operation of individual systems such as HVAC, lighting, refrigeration, and air quality.

HVAC, Refrigeration, and Asset Monitoring

Monitor your building assets for potential problems or malfunctioning equipment.

  • HVAC Health and Monitoring
  • Refrigeration Monitoring
  • Lighting Monitoring

HVAC Abnormalities, Zone Temperatures, and Door Sensor Alarms

Take action before having to repair or replace your HVAC systems. Our platform sends alerts when it detects a problem or abnormality.

  • Functional Status
  • Door States
  • Run Times
  • Unit Testing
  • Zone Temperature Alerts

Individual Zone and Equipment Temperatures

Monitor the temperature in your building, from refrigerators to room temperatures by zone.

  • Zone Temperatures
  • Setpoints and Schedules
  • Override Status
  • Weather Visibility

Air, Carbon, and Humidity Levels

Air quality monitoring is a critical component of indoor environmental quality (IEQ). GridPoint’s air quality monitoring feature measures and monitors CO2 and humidity levels throughout your building.

  • CO2 Monitoring
  • Humidity Monitoring
  • Supply Air Temperature

Ready to Get Started?

By integrating with existing building assets, GridPoint provides real-time visibility into energy consumption and performance data, allowing facility managers to make informed decisions about how to best optimize their buildings. Whether you’re looking to reduce energy costs, improve building performance, or extend asset lifecycle, GridPoint can help.

  • Get a free energy analysis: Our energy advisors will review your current energy output and make recommendations on where you can start reducing your energy usage.
  • Start a pilot program: Want to try GridPoint out? We offer a three-month pilot program.
  • Learn more about our packages: Get an out-of-the-box solution or something more customized to your site.

Ready to Get Started?